Grade 7 Science NextGen Science Standards
MS-PS1-1 Structure of Atoms and Molecules
Understand the structure of an atom and how atoms can combine
to form molecules.

MS-PS1-2 Chemical and Physical Properties of Matter/Chemical Reactions
Understand that substances have certain chemical and physical
properties and these properties can change when a chemical reaction
has taken place.

MS-PS1-3 Synthetic Materials and Natural Resources
Understand that synthetic materials come from natural resources.
These synthetic materials can include medicines, food and alternative fuels.

MS-PS1-4 States of Matter and Particle Motion
Understand that molecules are always in motion and that the more
heat they experience, the faster they move.

MS-PS1-5 Law of Conservation of Matter
Understand that in a chemical reaction, atoms may combine with others, but
the total number of atoms always stays the same.  Nothing is created or
destroyed, but it may change form.  This is called the Law of Conservation
of Matter.

MS-PS1-6 Experimental Design Project
MS-PS2-1 Newton's Third Law
MS-PS2-2 Newton’s First and Second Laws
Understand Newton’s three Laws of Motion.  They describe how and why
objects move the way they do when forces affect them.

MS-PS2-3 Electrical and Magnetic Forces
Understand that electricity and magnetism are related.  Understand
that there are a number of things that affect the strength of electric and magnetic

MS-PS2-5 Magnetic and Electrical Fields between Objects
Understand that fields can exist between objects even when the
objects are not in contact.  These fields are generally either
magnetic or electrical.  They’re usually not visible, but they are there!

MS-PS3-1 Kinetic Energy
Understand that the amount
of Kinetic Energy present is determined by both the speed of an object as well as its mass.

MS-PS3-2 Potential Energy
Understand that when the distance between objects changes, the amount of
potential energy stored in them changes as well.

MS-PS3-3 Design Project
MS-PS3-4 Potential/Kinetic Energy and Energy Transfer
MS-PS3-5 Changes to PE and KE and Energy Transfer
Understand what causes the Kinetic Energy of an object to change.  Understand that
when these changes happen, its because energy was transferred to or from the object.

MS-PS4-1 Waves
Understand that all waves are similar, whether they’re ocean waves, or light waves.
  The size of a wave is related to how much energy is in the wave.

MS-PS4-2 Wave movements
Understand how waves are reflected, absorbed or pass through various materials.

MS-PS4-3 Analog vs. Digital signals
Understand that information may be carried in a wave
 and that these waves are very useful in modern day communications.

MS-LS1-6 Photosynthesis
Understand that photosynthesis is responsible
 for cycling matter and energy into and  out of organisms.
MS-LS2-1 Ecosystems resource availability
Understand that the availability of resources in an ecosystem
 will affect all organisms that live there.

MS-LS2-2 Interactions among living things in Ecosystems
Understand that organisms living in an ecosystem
 interact with one another in a variety of ways. 
You will need to be able to describe the various way
 that these living things may interact with one another.

MS-LS2-3 Matter and Energy Cycling in Ecosystems
Understand that both Matter and Energy move through ecosystems.
  This matter and energy is constantly being recycled and re-used.

MS-LS2-4 Ecosystem dynamics
Understand that when you make changes to either the living or non-living parts of an ecosystem,
 it affects the ecosystem in many ways.

MS-LS4-4 Natural Selection/Genetic Variations in Offspring
Understand that all organisms are born with slightly different traits,
and these traits an affect who lives and who dies in an ecosystem.

MS-LS4-5 Artificial Selection
Understand that humans have developed ways to influence which traits are found in some organisms.
 In many cases we can select which traits we wish to see in particular organism.

MS-LS4-6 Natural Selection/Evolution/Population changes
Understand how natural selection works in nature. Understand how natural selection is
responsible for the large amount of biodiversity on Earth.