Maine's Threatened and Endangered Species

Maine has just under 50 species which are included on the Endangered Species Species Act list as endangered or threatened. Species listed under MESA receive state protection; species listed under ESA receive federal protection; and species listed under both receive state and federal protection.

The Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife holds management responsibility for inland fish and wildlife listed under MESA, and shares responsibility with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service [USFWS] for inland fish and wildlife listed under ESA.

The Maine Endangered Species Act applies only to animals - plants are not included in the legislation. The Maine Natural Areas Program maintains an "official" list of rare and endangered plants in Maine.

There are currently 22 inland fish and wildlife species listed as Endangered and 23 listed as Threatened under Maine's Endangered Species Act [MESA], some of which are also listed under the U.S. Endangered Species Act [ESA].

Endangered and Threatened Species in Maine List

Your task is to create an informative poster of representatives from these lists.

Using your laptop and the poster template ,create an informational poster to raise public awareness about your selected species.

Include information in the following categories in your poster:  
    Range and Habitat
    Life History and Ecology
    Conservation and Management

You must also include:

     At least one image of the species.
    A map which shows where this species is found in Maine.
    One additional image of your choice.