Technology Plan Wiki

Technology Plan

Section 11: Promotion of Various Curricula and Teaching Strategies that Integrate Technology

We will continue to use several strategies to integrate technology into classes at all levels. SMART board interactive whiteboards at the high school, for example, have opened up numerous opportunities for students and teachers to engage in interactive presentations. These technologies make it possible for students to work with teachers in developing educational activities that mix students and technology in the learning environment.

The district will provide MOODLE a web based software that help educators create effective online learning communities/classrooms. Moodle is a software package for producing internet-based courses and web sites. It’s an ongoing development project designed to support a social constructionist framework of education.

The District technology team will provide in-classroom equipment support as needed for the integration of technology based on curriculum-specific requirements. When appropriate, staff will continue to require students to use technology for research and presentation of projects through PowerPoint presentations and videos.