Technology Plan Wiki

Technology Plan

Section 14: Accountability Measures

The Technology Planning Committee will be responsible for monitoring and evaluating the progress of the Technology Plan. In order to do so, the committee will:

· Meet monthly during the school year to assess the implementation of the Technology Plan and to ensure the goals and activities reflect current situations

· Assess the extent to which planned activities are effective by reviewing a variety of qualitative and quantitative measures

· Conduct yearly surveys for students, teachers, and staff to collect data about the technology goals

· Distribute evaluation forms at the end of staff training sessions and decide a course of action based on the results

· Monitor records of teacher advancement through the levels of capabilities

· Examine computer lab, mobile lab and ATM use statistics and decide a course of action based on the results

· Review response time for Trouble Trakkers and decide a course of action based on the results

· Catalog exemplars of teacher-created learning activities which effectively integrate technology

Each school will develop a school based goal to address the effective integration of technology into the curricula.  Portfolios containing activities designed, examples of student work done to showcase learning can be built at the building level that will demonstrate increase use of technology in the lessons.