Adventures of Ulysses: Hero?

Intro Paragraph:
- Briefly summarize The Adventures of Ulysses in 2-3 sentences.
- State your opinion, who is / isnt’ a hero, flawed hero?
- Briefly state why.

Middle Paragraphs:
#1 - first reason why, name the trait/characteristic, provide direct support for your reasoning from the book.

#2 - second reason why, name the trait/characteristic, provide direct support for your reasoning from the book.

#3 - third reason why, name the trait/characteristic, provide direct support for your reasoning from the book.

Conclusion Paragraph:
Restatement of your opinion, final thoughts.

Other requirements:
- AT LEAST one page in length double spaced
- 12 point font
- header / footer with name and class.
Last modified: Friday, 21 June 2013, 9:32 AM