Technology Forum

Thoughts on changes to the technology plan

Thoughts on changes to the technology plan

by Bradley Pelletier -
Number of replies: 4
Thoughts on items that may need to be changed in the technology plan.
In reply to Bradley Pelletier

Re: Thoughts on changes to the technology plan

by acurtis acurtis -

we need to keep the services we are currently using in the new plan.  Phones, internet access, one to one computing, network services.


In reply to Bradley Pelletier

Re: Thoughts on changes to the technology plan

by dmccarthy dmccarthy -
I think that we have a lot of work to do on curriculum. I would like to see some discussion about: a) what it is we want our students to be able to do with technology when they leave us and b) our need to bring together the very divergent skill levels that we see in what many students can do at home with technology and what they are allowed to explore at school.
In reply to dmccarthy dmccarthy

Re: Thoughts on changes to the technology plan

by Terry Hiltz -

Also at what level each skill needs to be introduced and mastered....

Would it be a good idea to use the National Technology Standards to help us w/the curriculum?

In reply to dmccarthy dmccarthy

Re: Thoughts on changes to the technology plan

by Sue Lambert -

I'm not a teacher/educator but I am a Technology Enthusiast.  I taught a weekly workshop years ago for a group of junior high students in my daughters school.  I thought they would all be as excited about technology as I was but I soon realized that some children are not (actually it was mainly my daughter!) always has been a lingering question of how to "hook" the non-traditional.  The student that may be not so wild about math but if that student could be shown the wonders of Photoshop or Illustrator might learn the skills of a meaningful career.  Or the student who always has a wise crack....what would they do with a chance to do a Public Service Video.  Some of you get to experience that first hand.

I guess the first step is giving the students enough basic skills through the curriculum plan and then introduce technology throughout the curriculum in ways that may be non-traditional....maybe another thought is ways to increase staff development in technology.

