Technology Forum

Thoughts on changes to the technology plan

Re: Thoughts on changes to the technology plan

by Sue Lambert -
Number of replies: 0

I'm not a teacher/educator but I am a Technology Enthusiast.  I taught a weekly workshop years ago for a group of junior high students in my daughters school.  I thought they would all be as excited about technology as I was but I soon realized that some children are not (actually it was mainly my daughter!) always has been a lingering question of how to "hook" the non-traditional.  The student that may be not so wild about math but if that student could be shown the wonders of Photoshop or Illustrator might learn the skills of a meaningful career.  Or the student who always has a wise crack....what would they do with a chance to do a Public Service Video.  Some of you get to experience that first hand.

I guess the first step is giving the students enough basic skills through the curriculum plan and then introduce technology throughout the curriculum in ways that may be non-traditional....maybe another thought is ways to increase staff development in technology.

